Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Appearance Vs Reality Macbeth, And Lady Macbeth

Appearance versus Reality in Macbeth, and Lady Macbeth Macbeth is one of Shakespeare’s most mystifying plays and is a study of human nature. The theme of appearance versus reality is apparent in Macbeth. It’s filled with numerous, notable, and significant scenes, including when King Duncan visits the Macbeth’s home, Lady Macbeth’s sleepwalking scene, and Macbeth’s dagger soliloquy. They provide raw, psychological insight into the character of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, showcasing the differing characteristics between the two characters. A quote that has developed synonym with Macbeth is, â€Å"Fair is foul and foul is fair† (1.1.11) which introduces deceptiveness, debut, and one of the most important themes of this tragedy, appearance versus reality. Shakespeare uses numerous characters and situations to emphasize the confusion between appearance and reality, the real and the surreal, the legitimate and the imposturous. Emphasized in these sce nes and throughout the play, Shakespeare successfully portrays the misalignment between appearance and reality. Macbeth is a valiant warrior, Thane of Cawdor for his performance in the war, and eventually the King of Scotland for performing a low-key immoral deed. In the eyes of Shakespeare’s audience, Macbeth is noticed for killing enemies in the war. Macbeth portrays himself as strong and fearless man but shows weakness to his wife by denying murdering the King. Macbeth angers Lady Macbeth by backing out of the plan when he says,Show MoreRelatedApperance vs Reailty1007 Words   |  5 PagesMacbeth- Appearance vs. Reality through Imagery of Clothing â€Å"In the end, people should be judged by their actions since in the end; it was actions that defined everyone† (Nicholas Sparks). Do you judge a person based upon their appearance? If you do, Shakespeare taught me not to through his famous tragic play Macbeth. Like many great authors Shakespeare wrote about the consequences one had to face after judging another person based upon their appearance. The important theme of appearance vs. realityRead MoreMacbeth Appearance vs Reality1046 Words   |  5 PagesAppearance vs. Reality The role of deception and the motif of appearance and reality had a large role in Shakespeare’s play, Macbeth. The motif of appearance and reality is first introduced by Shakespeare early on in the play when Macbeth must cover up for the murder of Duncan. This motif of appearance versus reality, or deception, appears again when Macbeth fools the murderers that killed Banquo. Macbeth tricks the murderer’s into believing it was Banquo’s fault that they led such miserableRead MoreTheme Of Appearance And Reality In Macbeth919 Words   |  4 PagesThe reality of a person is often masked by ones perception of appearance. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

An Inconvenient Truth Summary 3 Free Essays

An Inconvenient Truth In An Inconvenient Truth, Albert Gore presents us with a thought-provoking oration by employing three persuasive appeals. He utilizes the elements of ethos, logos, and pathos in order to better achieve the goal of notifying the severity of global warming as well as awakening people’s environmental consciousness. An appeal to ethos deals with credibility and what makes the author qualified to speak on a particular subject, Al Gore does this in both selections. We will write a custom essay sample on An Inconvenient Truth Summary 3 or any similar topic only for you Order Now The entire film is presented in the context of a lecture hall in a university, which gives the audience a sense of seriousness. Additionally, Gore suggests his persistency and commitment by pointing out his political career as the Vice President, worldwide travel experience and abundant research on environment which as well can substantiate his qualification to be a spokesman on the mainstream issue of global warming. Moreover, Gore calls on expert testimony for a number of times, including that of his Harvard professor, who first promoted measuring carbon dioxide in the earth atmosphere which effectively establishes Gore’s credibility. Albert Gore appeals to logos by piling up deliberate evidence to further convince people about the crisis of global warming. Dynamic graphs and charts, one of which indicates the rapid change in temperature associating with the escalation of carbon dioxide, are displayed with movement owning to the multi-media. Also, by using time-lapse photography, striking changes in places, such as Argentina and Grinnel Glacier, are shown in photographs to prove the scientific theory that the earth has been severely affected by global warming. Gore, in addition, mentions other effects of the global warming in an alarming tone, which comprise species lost, natural disasters, and new-found diseases; displayed footages of news about hurricanes, primarily Katrina, pictures of extinct creatures, and discoveries of viruses leading to illness, such as Avian flu, West Nile flu etc. By these methods, Gore effectively makes the audience aware of the significance of preventing global warming from being aggravated. Yet, in this seemingly pure-scientific presentation, Gore targets the audience’s emotions several times in appeal of pathos. By recalling his son’s car accident which nearly took him away from Gore, he not only provokes the listeners’ sentiment of sympathy, but also emphasizes the point that we often fail to value what is precious until we are in danger of losing it. Gore makes a profusion of projections which startle the audience with the effect of alerting them to the crisis. For instance, he employs a concerned tone by predicting the devastating future of mankind when hundreds of millions of people are killed due to global warming. On the other hand, Gore’s sense of humor alleviates the solemn atmosphere. His occasionally self-deprecating jokes (â€Å"I am Al Gore. I used to be the next President of the United States. †) and sarcastic comments ease the listeners’ mood and exert a pull on their attention. What is more, the use of comical cartoons not only gives the audience a laugh but also provides them with a more comprehensible view of global warming. By analyzing Al Gore’s well-organized steps to proving his main idea, we can ascertain that Al Gore has adroitly utilized the three above-discussed appeals, ethos, logos, and pathos when imparting his viewpoints on global warming to people. How to cite An Inconvenient Truth Summary 3, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Marketing Plan Proposal Visa Application Process

Question: Discuss about the Marketing Plan Proposal Visa Application Process. Answer: Introduction: This is a business proposal for establishing a visa processing plan. The vendor plans to have a Visa processing plan that is to be submitted to an embassy. The main mission for this plan is to present to the designated agency visa processing services that it will be able to serve its client faster and better. The most important part of this business plan is to be able to equip the client and the embassy with information about visa application processes and packages. As it is with most embassies, one of the most important documents that is needed by applications when applying for visa is a comprehensive travel plan. Be it for a tourism of business visa plan. It must demonstrate reasons for entering the country and the number of days that the person will be staying in the nominated country(Brown, 2012);(Deng, et al., 2010). This can be such a hectic processes when the client is traveling to a new country for the first time. In many instances, the application process is usually very complicating for most applicants that some give up on the way. The visa related terminologies and the process becomes nearly impossible if there is no assistance of a vendor such as this one. There is a great need for an organization that understands these terminologies in order to ensure that the process is fast and smooth for the client. According to the research conducted by the vendor, about 2000 people will need visas every day, this call for a smooth and systematic process which can allow the embassy to keep track and ensure that all these applicants have been assessed and the lucky ones are provided with their visas in time. With this in mind there is need to have a visa processing plan that can work for the embassy and more so for other travel agencies around the country(Galloway, 2001). Proposed Visa Application Process (Service Plan) The visa application process for the anticipated clients will depend on whether they are applying for the first time or they are in to renew their visa. This will be important for the vendor, as some of the clients coming in for the application process may still be having a valid passport before expiry. This could save the agency some time when executing the application processes. As it is with many countries, a client may be able to travel to other countries with an old passport which contains a valid visa and the new valid passport. The vendor is this available to ensure that there is a smooth visa application process the services will also ensure that the client does not again go to the embassy for an interview as it will be finished by the vendor. However, the vendor will strictly inform each client that it does not guarantee the visa issuance. It will also be important to ensure that the client is available to appear physically(Jockel, 2009). Once the client is able to provide documentation all the required documentation, then the next step will be to take him through the initial process which will be as follows: In this step, the vendor will ensure that the application completes the non-immigrant visa electronic application form. At this, a photograph of the applicant will also be uploaded. Usually it is recommended that the client upload a photo taken within the last six months. This is the second step. The vendor will assist the applicant with logging in to the online application system where the vendor will help create a profile that will be used to pay the application fee. The vendor will then choose scheduled appointment. During this process, the client will also be asked questions. He will be made to understand by the vendor before checking. This is important as the questions measures the clients eligibility to apply for a visa without having to sit for an interview. In the third step, the vendor will process the visa fee for the client. If the client is eligible without an interview, then the vendor will assist, print the application drop off letter which will be included in the visa application that will be mailed. In the fourth step of the initial process, the applicant will be given his or her confirmation page. The electronic fee receipt will be provided, the current passport and the previous one, a photo and a letter that explains purpose of travel and itinery. There could be additional information with regard to visa category. The applicant will then give the vendor all the application documents. The client will be given a receipt to this effect and tracking number. This number will also be shared by the embassy according to the embassy codes. In fact, these codes will be provided for by the embassy itself. After the client has gone through this process, it will be the work of the vendor to ensure that the next step is observed. It will ensure that the application documents are dispatched to the embassy and a tracking number is provided to the client. Establishment of Information and Application Center As part of its mandate, the Vendor will also ensure that there is an established information and visa application center. At this, the vendor will be mandate to organize for the printing of the Post Visa/OCI and PIO card from the embassy and surrender of the applicants citizenship certificate services application form at the vendors cost with regard to the provided format from the embassy. Changes will only be possible as dictated by the embassy(Turner, 2015). It will be the work of the vendor to assist all applicants with the completion of visa application forms. This will be done by providing applicants with required information on various categories of visa application and the renunciation of native country citizenship certificate services and through the processing of applications(Deng, et al., 2010). The vendor thus will be responsible for ensuring courtesy and provide much required assistance to the 2000 applicants on a daily basis. During this time, the vendor proposes that its staff will not engage in verbal arguments or acts that may render to unpleasantness with the applicant in the center. Should this happen, the vendor will take responsibility and shall act accordingly to remove the erring member from the companys list of staff(Gottlieb Hussain, 2015). At the center, the vendor shall ensure that all amenities are available with regard to the application process. Such amenities shall include photographs, photocopy, printers and courier services to applicants who may be in need of such services. The services will also not be enforced on the applicants, in the same line, the applicants will not be charged an additional fee over the recommended amount for such services. The rates and conditions will be prominently distributed to all sectors of the center and the vendors website. Other value added services will not be allowed at the center(Deng, et al., 2010). The center will also be furnished with hospitality facilities. This means that it will have sufficient space. This will include the waiting area, the application counters and processing area. There will be provision of seating arrangements, newspapers and other light reading materials, television, washrooms etc. so that the public is ensured to the satisfaction of the embassy, all efforts will be put toward minimizing the time taken to process an application. The center will have modern technology put in place and conveniences for the applicants. The center is proposed to open from 8AM to 6PM from Monday to Friday, excluding embassy public holidays unless otherwise specified by the embassy(Gardner, 2011). The vendor will also make provisions for computer terminals at the premise with free internet facility and staff to assist applicants during the filling of online applications and printing at no extra cost. The vendor will also provide a bar-coded receipt to each applicant as a way of acknowledging receipt of visa applications or surrender certificates and other fee that are paid to the vendor for the processing function. As part of the process, each receipt will indicate the state category and purpose of payment, date and mode of payment. It will also indicate if the visa application was sent in person or via mail or third party agent as described by the embassy. A copy of the bar coded receipt and fee payment instrument will be enclosed with the application as the same is forwarded. It is also important to point that other charges such as the bank commissions will be collected by the vendor on the actual basis. This will also depend on the mode of payment like demand drafts, credit/debit cards and online payment systems(Multos, 2004);(Satzewich, 2015). The vendor thus will not collect in excess of the stipulated charges and details of such charges as indicated by the embassy. Scrutiny and Acceptance of documents It means that all visa application will first be accepted by the vendor before taken to the embassy for verification. Applications will also include those send by post together with the applicants passport, Visa, surrender or the renunciation or the native country citizenship among other application fee. The vendor thus will derive his own fee and other document from the applicant or the applicants agents so long as it is approved by the embassy. Walk in applications will also be accepted in this line(Ali, 2016). As part of its mandate, the vendor will also ensure that all applications are complete before surrendering to the embassy. As the vendor receives applications, they will scrutinize each document and forms to make sure that they are all completed and all requirements are met by the applicant with regard to existing application rules(Gasson Shelferr, 2007) In the same line, the vendor will also accept other documents as requested by the embassy from the current application. The document accepted will generally be used solely for the visa application purpose except personal cheques or company cheques. If there is an application for surrender of native country citizenship is filed together with the visa application, the vendor may not charge a separate fee. In this regard, it is proposed that the applicant will include pre-paid return envelope that will be used to receive back their passport or document my mail. In the event that the pre-paid self-addressed envelope is not enclosed with the application, there will be addition charges levied to the applicant for sending the documents via mail. Acceptance of any application documents will be done under the rules and regulations of the embassy. All funds regarding application will also be directed toward the embassy bank account during the banking hours. In the event that a deficiency is found in the application process, the service provide will be imbued with the task of making all possible efforts to get the application completed by the applicant through recalling the applicant over email or phone at no extra charge. It is proposed by the vendor that this will be done in a span of three weeks from the time of application. Clear audit information will also be assured by the service provider to allow easy identification of visa application that have been paid and those that have not. In this regard, all details including date and amount paid shall be recorded and reconciled(Gottlieb Hussain, 2015) Biometric Enrolment Solutions This will also be the role of the vendor in the visa application process. The vendor will digitize applicants passport photo and other biometric data and scanned images of applicants documents. This data will be transferred physically and electronically as required to allow the embassy post or upload the same in the IVERT platform during the working days. These are the times that most embassies are open. All documents that are related to visa application and other citizenship services will as well be digitized by the vendor with regard to embassys standards to enable the efficient search and retrieving of all information submitted to the embassy(Gottlieb Hussain, 2015). It is also important to note that the vendor will only make the use of modern technology when it comes to implementing the Biometric systems. A separate pool will be put for the biometric entries. All the staff will be taken through a two week course on the use of biometric systems to ensure that they are conversant with what is expected of them. Training of staff will also encompass other issues such as dealing with confidentiality of applicants, ways to report suspected applicants and other forms of customer care. Training in report writing and filling of the application form will also be paramount since most of the application is proposed to be done in an online platform. In the same manner, it will be the work of the vendor to conduct enrollment of facial and finger biometrics to the embassy application system. In this regard, the applicant will enroll facial biometric, ten fingers of the applicant and transfer them to the embassy system each working day. The time will be determine by the embassy operations. The vendor will also ensure that there is safe storage and transfer of applicant information. This information will also be treated with absolute confidentiality. As part of cost, the vendor will procure necessary equipment for this process. Submission to the Mission The vendor will also ensure that all processed application documents together with the passports are securely posted to the embassy at a period of 24 hours of receipt of at the vendors headquarters. For all applications that were made in person, or through a third part agent, the vendor will ensure that all these are deposed to the embassy in the same day(Toit, et al., 2003). The vendor will also collect from the embassy successful visa applications on each working day. In this regard, monthly and weekly reports will be accumulated and submitted by the vendor to the embassy from time to time. Return Delivery of Passports After the application process is done, it will be the role of the vendor to ensure that all application documents have been successfully handed back to the applicant. This will include the return of visas, passports among other documents within 24 hours of the application process as received from the embassy. The vendor will also notify all applicant on collection of the passports among other documents in persons if they applied in person. The vendor will also inform the application on the time, date and venue to applicants who are required to attend the interview process at the vendors headquarters under the authority of the embassy. There will be proper system for scheduling appointments for applicants who require an interview with the embassy officials. The vendor thus will ensure that application documents and passport are received and sent in a secure manner in the even that they are not collected in person, by post or courier. These expenses will be incurred by the applicant. Performance Security Guarantee In the event that applicants documents are damaged or lost in the process, the vendor will be very responsible for applicants documents and visa and application charges received. In this regard, the safe keeping of these documents including biometric data and the amount from the point of collection to the time it was delivered to the appropriate visa services or the time it was deposited to the embassy. This will also be extended to the time it is in transit back to the applicant or to the authorized representative agent. No loss will be transferred to the embassy about claims from liability or loss of passports and other documentation that is directly or indirectly attributed or caused by the vendor. This will only apply so long as the documents are under the vendors care. In this regard, the vendor will also indemnify embassy posts fully including legal costs that are incurred at the time the claim is made by the application regarding loss caused by any reason. Some of the actions that are usually recommended for this are damage law suits of which will be the responsibility of the vendor to incur costs and penalties(Casey, 2010). It is also important to note that the vendor will at all-time uphold confidentiality of client documents including biometric data and shall only release such information in the event that they are required to do so by law or by the embassy. Lastly, the vendor will indemnify the embassy from any liability that is incurred by the embassy and loss to the embassy property if it is caused by unlawful, willful or negligent act or omission by the provider and other sub-contractors. In the event that documents submitted by the vendor to the embassy are incomplete, including incomplete biometric entries leading to delay of the visa processing, the vendor will pay the cost of the service multiplied by the number of days that the applicant is delayed. It is proposed by the vendor that any case of negligence will be charged at a fee proposed by the embassy. Other liabilities for the vendor will include delay in forwarding completed application forms and documents to the embassy and the delay to return the passport and documents to the applicant. At this, the application will be liable to pay the costs of the service fee multiplied by the number of the day that it delayed for each case of delay, loss or un-traceability. Other documents such as passports, registration card and documents in the custody of the provider will be included in this line. The vendor will be called to provide a loss certificate signed by the authorities and pay a proposed fine to this effect. The loss certificate will also be provided within three weeks of reporting. In the event that the provider fails to report the loss, there will be an extra penalty per day until the time the provide submits the report(Toit, et al., 2003). Figure Below: 3D Office Map for the vendor office References Ali, A., 2016. Investigating project management practices in Public sector organisations of a less developed country. [Online] Available at: https://researchbank.rmit.edu.au/eserv/rmit:7523/Ali.pdf Brown, E., 2012. A visa to "snitch": an addendum to Cox and Posner. Notre Dame Law Review, 87(3), p. 973. Casey, S., 2010. The visa application process. Lifted Bow, Issue 6, pp. 238-242. Deng, J., Menguc, B. Benson, J., 2010. The impact of human resource management on export performance of Chinese manufacturing enterprises.. Thunderbird International Business Review, 14(6), p. 409429. Galloway, D., 2001. The extraterritorial application of the Charter to visa applications. Ottawa Law Review, 23(2), p. 335. Gardner, H., 2011. Frames of mind: the theory of multiple intelligences,. New York: Basic Books. Gasson, S. Shelferr, K., 2007. IT-based knowledge management to support organizational learning: Visa application screening at the INS",. Information Technology People, 20(4), pp. 376-399. Gottlieb, K. Hussain, F., 2015. Voting for image scoring and assessment (VISA)--theory and application of a 2+1 reader algorithm to improve accuracy of imaging endpoints in clinical trials",. BMC medical imaging, 15(1), pp. 6-6. Jockel, M., 2009. 457 visa law: addressing Australia's skilled labour shortage. 1 ed. Pyrmont, N.S.W.: Thomson Reuters. Multos, 2004. Visa application to run on Multos. Card Technology Today, 16(10), pp. 6-6. Satzewich, V., 2015. Is Immigrant Selection in Canada Racialized? Visa Officer Discretion and Approval Rates for Spousal and Federal Skilled Worker Applications. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 16(4), pp. 1023-1040. Toit, P. G. d., Motlatla, M. Marais, A. d. K., 2003. Introduction to Business Management. 6th edition ed. s.l.:Oxford University Press Southern Africa. Turner, J., 2015. The Family Migration Visa in the History of Marriage Restrictions: Postcolonial Relations and the UK Border. The British Journal of Politics International Relations, 17(4), pp. 623-643. Visa.inc, 2013. Patent Application Titled "Seeding Challenges for Payment Transactions, NY: Newsrex.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

William Shakespeare engagingly examines the themes of love in the tragic play Essay Example

William Shakespeare engagingly examines the themes of love in the tragic play Essay William Shakespeare engagingly examines the themes of love in the tragic play Romeo and Juliet; this is shown primarily by the way Romeos character develops throughout various scenes in the play. Set in Verona Romeo and Juliet conveys a tragic tale about the devastating repercussions of love in a time of violence. I will be examining the presentation of Romeos character throughout key scenes in the play and analysing the impact of certain key events in the, quintessential lovers character. The initial brawl between the Montagues and Capulets in Act1 Scene1 introduces the two families in the play as being vindictive and resentful. Tybalt, Juliets cousin, obviously hates the Montagues and stands out as being malicious and spiteful. While Romeo, who was not present at the initial brawl, seems distanced from his family and their hatred toward the Capulets. Shakespeare does this to allow the audience to see Romeo as a loving and peaceful person. Shakespeares characterisation of Romeo in act 1 presents him as being a deeply thoughtful and detached person from his remark Is the day so young? to Benvolios questioning, emphasising his manic distress at losing Rosaline to the audience. Consequently Sad hours seem long to him which underlines his current state of depression since he sees life as an on going struggle to survive and find love therefore clearly demonstrating his low-spirit at this particular time caused by the unrequited love for Rosaline. As Romeo questions his cousin Benvolio what fray was here? the audience begin to realise that Romeo is exasperated with the feud between his family and the Capulets. We will write a custom essay sample on William Shakespeare engagingly examines the themes of love in the tragic play specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on William Shakespeare engagingly examines the themes of love in the tragic play specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on William Shakespeare engagingly examines the themes of love in the tragic play specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Romeo, who is experiencing unrequited love, is very confused and depressed about why the Montagues and Capulets have to feud. Shakespeare shows this by using oxymorons such as Loving hate and brawling love to emphasise how Romeo is trying to understand why the two families are feuding. The contradictory images help the audience to empathise with Romeos state of disarray while Romeo continues expressing his feelings using elaborate metaphors such as a sea nourishd with lovers tears to evoke a sense of sympathy for himself as he feels grief stricken about the unrequited love for Rosaline. This illustrates Romeo as a desperate man who sees love as a very sorrowful and distressing experience. Furthermore his use of rhyming couplets informs the audience of how this matter is emotionally important to Romeo. The audience realise this as in Elizabethan drama where actors spoke in verse when something was of particular significance or importance. In the opening of Act3 Scene1 the marriage between Romeo and Juliet significantly changes Romeos state of mind and presents him as a loving and romantic person. Although Act3 Scene1 begins with the newly formed union between the Capulet and Montague families, Shakespeare juxtaposes the marriage with another confrontation to ultimately show that the two families will never be united. This is shown when Tybalt and Mercutio confront each other and Mercutio ridicules Tybalt in public by saying And but a word with one of us? Couple it with something; make it a word and a blow. This comment by Mercutio tells the audience that Romeo and Juliets marriage will never last because of their families violence and hatred towards each other. The confrontation between Romeo and Tybalt in Act3 Scene1 helps the audience perceive Romeos character as strong and resilient while the other characters in the play see him as a coward when he does not turn and draw and face Tybalt in a fight. Tybalt slanderous comments thou art a villain enrages Romeo, although he shows his resilience and does not fight Tybalt. Demonstrating remarkable self-control to the audience, as he has been publicly insulted but instead he responds with Tybalt the reason that I have to love thee Doth much excuse my appertaining rage. also allowing the audience to empathise with Romeo who does not want to fight, as Juliet is Tybalts cousin. However Mercutio infuriated by Romeo resilience and sees his actions as calm, dishonourable, vile submission because of Romeo unwillingness to fight Tybalt, even though Tybalt has stained his reputation. Shakespeare uses this dramatic irony to tell the audience that Romeo is indeed strong and courageous in not fighting Tyba lt and preserving his love for Juliet. Mercutios death in the play is a very sorrowful and mournful experience for Romeo, as he feels guilty about why he could not stop Tybalt from murdering his best friend hath got mortal hurt in my behalf. This informs the audience of Romeos mental decline as he soon begins to behave irrationally and illogically. Mercutios line A plague oboth your house is repeated numerous times in during his death, this illustrates his outrage and fury since he sees himself as another innocent victim of the feud. At this point in the play the Romeo is grief-stricken about the death of his friend and begins questioning himself whether falling in love with Juliet has made him less manly Thy beauty hath made me effeminate and in my temper softend my valours steel! The audience now begins to see Romeos mental decline and his state of confusion, since he does not know whether to kill Tybalt in retaliation for his actions or to preserve his marriage with Juliet by enabling Tybalt to leave unharmed. Consequently Romeo takes on the role of the avenger for Tybalts actions in killing Mercutio and fights Tybalt, the line Either thou, or I, or both, must go with him, emphasises Romeos intent on killing Tybalt and avenging his best friends death. The use of imagery such as And fire-eyed fury be my conduct now illustrates Romeo anger towards Tybalt and underlines his mental decline as he loses control of himself. Tybalt seems unnerved by Romeos anger and is eager to fight with him, from his line Thou, wretched boy, that didst consort him here, Shalt with him hence; this indicates Tybalt brutality of his lack of remorse for his actions to the audience. Romeo decides to avenge Mercutios death and carries on fighting Tybalt at the expense of losing Juliet, as he knows he would be banished or put to death for his actions, but nevertheless he continues to kill Tybalt, fuelled by his rage and anger. This act of reprisal cost him dearly as he soon realises he has risked losing his wife Juliet . The audience now begin to see Romeo in a deep state of depression as he realises his future with Juliet is now uncertain. Romeo remark O, I am fortunes fool underlines the extent of his actions as he begins to see himself as a victim of destiny, since he knows his actions that night will have consequences and he could end up never seeing Juliet again. The audience can now see Romeo on the verge of insanity as he begins to comprehend that murdering Tybalt will separate him and Juliet forever. Romeos banishment to Mantua in Act5 Scene3 evokes Juliets feelings of grief and sorrow, as she believes fate has denied her a future with Romeo. Her line Come weep with me, past hope, past cure, past help reinforces the extent of her pain and suffering from Romeos forced departure to Mantua. Romeo who is also in anguish believes his banishment to be Tis torture and not mercy, as he cannot endure a day without Juliet, this emphasises Romeos belief on how being apart from Juliet is unbearable and unendurable. The audience now begins to see Romeo in a vulnerable state as he starts behaves irrationally. Furthermore, Juliet, motivated by sorrow, takes a potion feigning death, as she believes it will reunite her and Romeo. Romeo who does not know this is devastated and believes Juliet is dead so he sets his journey to back Verona. The audience can now begin to see Romeos decline, as he believes his beloved wife has died. This is shown when Romeo speaks to his servant Balthasar If thou are jealous, dost return to pry in what I further shall intend to do. By heaven, I will tear thee joint by joint and strew this hungry churchyard with thy limbs, this emphasises Romeos decline from romantic lover to barbaric wild man. Shakespeare uses the oxymoron thou womb of death to suggest that Romeo is in a state of disarray and wants to start a new life with Juliet, where their love for each other can be preserved. The audience here begin to see Romeo as a desperate man who will do virtually anything to preserve the love he has for Juliet. Imagery such as rotten jaw reinforces Romeos decline as Sha kespeare uses vile imagery to show the audience his deranged mental state. Paris reintroduction into the play allows the audience to see how deeply love can affect another, like Romeo. He accuses Romeo of villainous shame for attending to Juliets tomb, this enflames Romeos love for Juliet, as he cares not of what Paris has to say. Paris continues to warn Romeo to stop thy unhallowd toil which indicates Paris belief on how Romeo is there to desecrate Juliets tomb, this allows the audience to empathise with Romeo as he is only there to mourn for his beloved wife. Romeo is in a tense and sorrowful state so he warns Paris by saying tempt not a desperate man he also carries on saying I love thee better than myself this stresses Romeos willing ness to be left along, by advising Paris not to tempt him to do something he will regret, it also illustrates Romeo state of mind as he hates him more than ever for ruining his relationship with Juliet. Romeo also begins to accept his madness and eventually murders Paris A madmans mercy bade thee run away this underlines his dismay and decline as he only warns Paris once, but earlier in the play spared Tybalt for his slanderous comments until he murdered Mercutio. Although Romeo has murdered Paris he shows remorse by listening to his last request and laying him next to Juliet, this informs the audience of Romeos compassion and empathy, as he understands Paris love for Juliet. Shakespeares dramatic purpose for introducing Paris at this point in the play is to show Romeo compassion for other, and that he has taken responsibility for everything that has happened to himself and everyone around him. Romeos final soliloquy reveals his deepest and inner most thoughts about Juliet. He uses the imagery honey of thy breath to emphasise Juliets enduring beauty and elegance. Romeo also employs the metaphor deaths pale flag is not advanced there to illustrate that Juliets beauty and vitality is still obvious, but the irony is she has not died. The line forgive me cousin implies that Romeo is reflecting on his murderous deeds and displays remorse for Tybalt. Shakespeare personifies death as Juliets lover in the line the lean abhorred monster keeps thee here in the dark to be his paramour? to stress that Romeo believes that even death cannot take away Juliets beauty, so death chooses to be her lover. The audience now begin to see that Romeo is realising that fate was against the marriage between him and his beloved wife Juliet shake the yoke of inauspicious stars from this world-wearied flesh this emphasises Romeos mental state as he is mentally and physically tired and his knowledge that fate was against the unity of the Capulet and Montague families. The audience, realising the tragic irony of Romeo death, now see love as an overwhelming and cruel emotion. They also begin to acknowledge that the dramatic purpose of Romeos last soliloquy was to evoke sympathy for Romeo and illustrate how a feud can never solve any situation. Through Shakespeares presentation of Romeo we have acquired the knowledge of how can love influence and manipulate someone without them fully knowing. I myself have learnt that love can be intoxicating, as you cannot control how you feel towards someone else. Furthermore I have leant of how fate can never be changed or manipulated by love, even though Romeo and Juliet went to every possible and conceivable length to be with one another, but ultimately there relationship was doomed to fail.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Free Essays on The Rape Of Nanking

The Second Holocaust If the phrase â€Å"crimes against humanity† was coined exclusively to describe the atrocities committed against the innocent Chinese trapped in wartime Nanking, both Asians and Westerners, living in present times, should not be surprised. Although the incident in Nanking, China, did not see a considerable amount of analysis and coverage after World War II as compared to the Nazi-induced Holocaust, the victims’ experiences and suffering were as real, as tangible, and as intense. The Rape of Nanking, which was written by Iris Chang, chronicles the events that occurred roughly 70 years ago. Three different viewpoints regarding the same situation are displayed: the Chinese view, the Japanese view, and the foreigners’ view. From the Chinese perspective, Japanese soldiers were nothing but demons sent from hell to torture innocent Chinese. During the Japanese military expansion into China, which spanned from the year 1937 to 1945, incidents of rape, torture, and mass massacres were widespread. The horrors in Nanking became even more personal as the readers were able to see through the eyes of Tang, a Chinese man who miraculously survived. He stood helpless as â€Å"a competition began among the soldiers- a competition to determine who could kill the fastest† (85). Perhaps, almost all Chinese shared Tang’s sentiment that ‘There was no place to run. I was prepared to die’ (85). The Japanese military leaders were ruthless and coldly methodical during the invasion. They handed down orders to ‘KILL ALL CAPTIVES’ (40). At least, â€Å"killing them [the Chinese prisoners of war] would not only eliminate the food problem but diminish the possibility of retaliation† (41). The Japanese did not respect the Chinese soldiers, who were not willing to fight to the death. The number of Chinese soldiers who surrendered and were held captive were considerably more than the number of captors. This fac... Free Essays on The Rape Of Nanking Free Essays on The Rape Of Nanking The Second Holocaust If the phrase â€Å"crimes against humanity† was coined exclusively to describe the atrocities committed against the innocent Chinese trapped in wartime Nanking, both Asians and Westerners, living in present times, should not be surprised. Although the incident in Nanking, China, did not see a considerable amount of analysis and coverage after World War II as compared to the Nazi-induced Holocaust, the victims’ experiences and suffering were as real, as tangible, and as intense. The Rape of Nanking, which was written by Iris Chang, chronicles the events that occurred roughly 70 years ago. Three different viewpoints regarding the same situation are displayed: the Chinese view, the Japanese view, and the foreigners’ view. From the Chinese perspective, Japanese soldiers were nothing but demons sent from hell to torture innocent Chinese. During the Japanese military expansion into China, which spanned from the year 1937 to 1945, incidents of rape, torture, and mass massacres were widespread. The horrors in Nanking became even more personal as the readers were able to see through the eyes of Tang, a Chinese man who miraculously survived. He stood helpless as â€Å"a competition began among the soldiers- a competition to determine who could kill the fastest† (85). Perhaps, almost all Chinese shared Tang’s sentiment that ‘There was no place to run. I was prepared to die’ (85). The Japanese military leaders were ruthless and coldly methodical during the invasion. They handed down orders to ‘KILL ALL CAPTIVES’ (40). At least, â€Å"killing them [the Chinese prisoners of war] would not only eliminate the food problem but diminish the possibility of retaliation† (41). The Japanese did not respect the Chinese soldiers, who were not willing to fight to the death. The number of Chinese soldiers who surrendered and were held captive were considerably more than the number of captors. This fac...

Friday, November 22, 2019

How Not To Job Hunt Tips from an Executive Recruiter

How Not To Job Hunt Tips from an Executive Recruiter A longtime recruiting professional, Mark Wayman knows what he looks for in an executive job seeker–and what he avoids. He relies predominantly on personal connections and referrals, so be the kind of executive with whom other top executives want to work. Using â€Å"John,† a past client, as a model of What Not To Do, Wayman advises aspiring executives to have a solid understanding of work-life balance–â€Å"Never confuse what you do with who you are.† Have a positive attitude and don’t let any personal dissatisfaction you feel at work or about your last job manifest in conversations with recruiters or prospective employers. It’s empowering to remember that you’re the one in the driver’s seat, or as Wayman puts it, â€Å"†¦In my 10 years of recruiting, I rarely see an â€Å"A† player unemployed. You are responsible for your choices. You are responsible for your situation.†It’s also important to remember that even if you’re not looking for a new job now, you may need to rely on your personal and professional networks in the future–recruiters included!–so make an effort to maintain those relationships now, before you need them. On that note, your attitude and the way you work with those above and below you may speak volumes louder than your actual job performance. As Wayman says, â€Å"Companies pay executive recruiters to identify the best candidates. Arrogance, hubris and ego are not high on our list of desired traits.† Bitterness about how your last position ended or an excessive fixation on compensation will likewise fail to endear you to hiring managers or recruiters.The bottom line is that companies want to hire enthusiastic, gracious and appreciative candidates–for your best chance at success, be the kind of executive you’d like to be managed by! When you are ready, check out over 569,785 latest job openings here.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Debate for Australia euthanasia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Debate for Australia euthanasia - Essay Example The same view is held by the Islamic religion (Bulow et al., 2008). Therefore, the opponents view legalization of euthanasia as being immoral and against God’s commandment since it does not sanctify life. However, the proponents have responded by arguing that legalizing euthanasia will actually uphold human dignity. They have argued that no person should be allowed to undergo torture from terminal illness. Such continuous pain, they have pointed out, which medicine has no control over degrades human dignity and defeats the very logic for continuing to live. Therefore, euthanasia will do more good than harm (Norval & Gwyther, 2003). In addition, they have also said that the society is built on fundamental values of compassion and mercy. The society should therefore rise to the occasion and help the terminally ill from suffering unbearably without any help (Norval & Gwyther, 2003). Euthanasia as murder versus right-based arguments The opponents have viewed legalization of euthan asia has a commission to commit murder. They have argued that any action intended to take away another person’s life is inherently wrong and should never be allowed even if the victim has given the consent (Somerville, 2003). Euthanasia has therefore been viewed has killing of other human beings and fervently opposed on those grounds. On the other hand, the proponents have made an argument against this view by pointing out to the principles of autonomy and self-determination. The argument has been that a patient has a right to his or her life and therefore can determine on how he or she should die (Bartels & Otlowski, 2010; Kerridge, Lowe & Stewart, 2009). The autonomy principle allows... The argument has been that a patient has a right to his or her life and therefore can determine on how he or she should die (Bartels & Otlowski, 2010; Kerridge, Lowe & Stewart, 2009). The autonomy principle allows a patient of sound mind to make any decision pertaining to his or her life as long as such a decision does nobody any harm (Norval & Gwyther, 2003). Along this line, it is argued that a patient has a right to determine when he or she no longer wants to live. It is further argued that, due to the principle of autonomy, a patient has a right to his or her own decisions and equally a right to a dignified death (Bartels & Otlowski, 2010). In general, the proponents argue that by patients being denied the right to euthanasia, the society is actually tramping upon their (patients’) rights and forcing decisions on them (patients) which they (patients) do not necessarily ascribe to. In other word, the insistence on the sustenance of the status quo in reference to legalizatio n of euthanasia is a continued violation of patients’ rights and thus those of human rights. How have the opponents responded to these accusations of violating human rights specifically the principles of autonomy? The proponents have come out strongly and fiercely claiming that actually allowing euthanasia is an abuse of autonomy and human rights contrary to what the proponents have said. The opponents have argued that the principle of autonomy advocates for conditions that favor autonomy. Any attempt to suppress any condition.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Streptococcus pneumoniae Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Streptococcus pneumoniae - Research Paper Example The species name is Streptococcus pneumoniae. Luis Paster discovered the organism in 1800’s. At that time he named it Micrococcus Pasteur. In 1886 and 1920, the name of the organism changed to Pseumococcus and Diplococcus pneumoniae respectively. Finally, in 1974 the micro-organism name became the Streptococcus pneumoniae (Toder, 2012). The micro-organism is Gram-positive, non-spore forming, non-motile and lancet-shaped. Predominantly, the micro-organisms occur in pairs. However, they can form short and straight chains. The micro-organism has a capsule that serves as a protective layer to antibiotics. In addition, the capsule stains positive during Gram staining process. The diameter of individual cells measures 0.5 and 1.25 micrometers. The cell wall of Streptococcus pneumoniae comprises of peptidoglycan and teichoic acid. The peptidoglycan component of the cell wall responds positively to Gram staining technique. This technique identifies and distinguishes different species in the genera streptococci. Steptococcus pneumoniae lacks the catalase activity. In addition, they are facultative anaerobes and metabolizes through lactic acid fermentation (Toder, 2012). There are more than 90 highly antigenic capsular serotypes differentiated in the types of presenting antigen in the capsule. Antibodies to specific types of serotypes are protective. The features responsible for pathogenic nature of organism are innumerable. These include presence of pro-inflammatory cell wall components (C-polysaccharides and F-antigen), IgA2 protease, pneumolysin, adhesins, and enzymes that damages tissue. Pneumolysin is a cytotoxin that stimulates immune response and adhesin bind to cell surface carbohydrates. Some of examples of adhesin include choline binding protein A, and the pneumococcal surface protein A [PspA]. The micro-organism incorporates the genetic material of other micro-organism through a process of transformation. The presence of F-antigen helps in acquiring of genetic material from different sources. Therefore, it means that the organism can change from one serotype to the other. This is quite significant to the development of resistance to antibi otics in the organism. It increases the virulence of the organism. The increasing severity of micro-organism is attributed to its ability to assume different shapes. When the organism acquires genetic material with genes of resistance to antibiotics, it replicates to resist the host defense mechanism. The virulence in these micro-organisms is associated with the capsular material. The capsule resists the hosts’ phagocytosis mechanism thereby surviving and multiplying in the host tissues. The virulence factors of the micro-organism include surface protein A. autolysin, and immunoglobulin A (Toder, 2012). Streptococci pneumoniae are found in the host’s upper airways, nose, or throat. They are part of normal flora in human beings. However, the organism becomes infectious depending on the immunity status of the host. In the immune comprised host, they cause some of the deadly diseases that include pneumonia, meningitis, sinusitis, acute otitis media, peritonitis, and bacte remia. These are diseases of upper and lower respiratory tract. When in the host tissues, pneumococcal undergoes genetic changes that convert the colonies from opaque to transparent ones. However, the rate is very low in number; it is 1 in 105 micro-organisms. The transparent colony is best adapted for proliferation in the nasopharynx. The opaque colonies thrive very well in the host’s blood. The opaque colonies increase their virulence during systemic infections. These differences in

Saturday, November 16, 2019

National Security and Free

National Security and Free Press Essay The adage of perception is reality is the impact media has regarding national security and the DoDs response to media. Since John F. Kennedys assignation, through the Vietnam War, OPERATION Desert Storm to the present, people are fascinated with real-time media information for current events; this information is truth in the publics eyes. President Bushs decision to place troops in Somalia and President Clintons decision to remove troops from Mogadishu are national security ecisions made based on public perception (Belknap, 2001, 1). The National Security Council, consists of political officials, with the exception of the chiefs of staff military advisors; these elected officials make decisions in the interest of national security based on public perception derived from free press. Free press impacts national security by decisions based on public perception and the DoD should utilize free press to reveal benefits of military action in relation to national security (Snow, 2006, 4). Imbedded public media deployed with our C-130 unit with the intent of publicizing a soldiers perspective of combat operation. This made us feel our involvement is shared along with the greater media picture to give the public a more complete understanding of war from tactical to strategic perspective. In the book Lone Survivor, a Navvy SEAL Team on an operation in Afghanistan let perception of civilian casualties the media would relay, sway combat decisions to save military lives Lutrell, 2007, 232). This perception is the negative impact soldiers face these days. Media imbed within military operations will relay to the public a tactical level perspective of the national security implications of free press. Overall, public opinion is influenced by free press; national security decisions are influenced by public opinion. The DoD should utilize the freedom of press to influence public opinion in the interest of national security. Belknap, Margaret

Thursday, November 14, 2019

macbeths descent into evil Essay -- essays research papers

Macbeth’s Decent Into Evil   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The character Macbeth in the story of Shakespeare’s Macbeth faces decisions that affect his morals. He begins as an innocent soul, dedicated to serve his kingdom and its king, Duncan. As time passes and opportunities present themselves combined with the deception of the evil witches, Macbeth begins his descent into madness. Macbeth’s innocence and loyalty are completely corrupted due to his over confidence, guilty conscience, and the inevitability of human nature. Macbeth looses sight of what is morally right to do in life because his logical choices are changed by these factors.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Macbeth was capable of achieving his place as king but his path to greatness would not have occurred without his ability to be overconfident. This ability was responsible for his overall position as being blind to the possibility of failure. The witches assured him that he would be essentially invincible and that only in what seemed to be impossible situations, would his life be threatened. Macbeth explains:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"With thy keen sword impress as make me bleed:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Let fall thy blade of vulnerable crests;   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I bear a charmed life, which must not yield   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To one of woman born† (5.8. 13-16). Macbeth was so confident that the idea of someone not being born of a woman was impossible in itself and therefore he had nothing to fear. However, it was this overconfidence that the witches depended on. They wanted the overconfidence to prevent Macbeth from understanding the consequences of his actions, and to do so they overwhelmed him with security:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"He shall spurn fate, scorn death, and bear   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  His hopes’bove wisdom, grace, and fear:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  And you all know security   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Is mortals’ chiefest enemy† (3.5.29-33).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another factor resulting in the inevitability of Macbeth’s evil was his Guilty conscience. Macbeth knows his actions are wrong a... ...lp of Lady Macbeth the deed is done. She is unmoral and changes Macbeth’s decision with intimidation:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"I have given suck, and know   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  How tender’tis love the babe that milks me:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I would, while it was smiling in my face,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Have pluck’d my nipple from his boneless gums,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  And dash’d the brains out, had I so sworn   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As you have done to this†(1.7.59-64).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Macbeth’s life is a tragic story about how he was deceived and molded into an evil man. His evil, sparked by lady Macbeth, began with the murder of king Duncan. Macbeth’s heart couldn’t handle the sin but Lady Macbeth forced him to change his mind. Macbeth’s evil was a result of his overconfidence, guilty conscience, and his human nature, all of which are traits that could be seen in any person in search of power. Work Cited Shakespeare, William. Macbeth. : , .

Monday, November 11, 2019

Do you think that Mary Tudor deserved her title “Bloody Mary” or was she simply misunderstood?

History has not been kind to Mary Tudor. Compared to what followed, her reign seems like a brief but misguided attempt to hold back England's inevitable transformation to Protestantism. Compared to what came before, her regime looks like the regressive episode of a hysterical woman. Considered on its own terms, however, the regime appears much more complex, leading contributors to this volume of essays to reach far different conclusions about her reign: reestablishing traditional religion in England was an enormous undertaking that required rebuilding the Marian Church from the bottom up.Moreover, given more time it might have succeeded. Finally, as these essays continually remind us, concepts differentiating Catholicism from Protestantism — ideas taken for granted today — were still being sorted out during this period. David Loades's introduction begins the volume by surveying the disturbance in religion during Mary's lifetime. He links the spread of humanism and class ical scholarship to a substantial portion of this disturbance because it created an educated populace capable of raising questions about religious practices for which the traditional Church had no answers.Mary herself received a first-rate humanistic education and contemporaries even considered her well-educated. Loades suggests that, instead of unquestioningly embracing the tenants of the traditional Catholic faith, Mary was a â€Å"conservative humanist with an extremely insular point of view† (18). Nevertheless, her humanistic training did not extend to her devotion to the sacrament of the altar and her uncritical acceptance of the doctrine of transubstantiation. Ultimately, her uncompromising position on the latter would cause the downfall of many.After this introduction, the first section of the volume, entitled â€Å"The Process,† explores obstacles confronting the restoration of Catholicism in England, beginning with David Loades's examination of the degraded st ate of the episcopacy upon Mary's accession, and her administration's attempts to restore it. Next, Claire Cross discusses Marian efforts to enact Catholic reforms in those strongholds of Protestant dissent, the English universities.The queen's decision to restore a community of monks at Westminster is the subject of a study by C.  S. Knighton, who includes a detailed appendix identifying members of this community. In the section's last essay, Ralph Houlbrooke argues that swift acquiescence by one of Norwich's leading evangelical ministers, and the diligence of clergy and Church courts in upholding the Marian restoration, helped Norwich avoid large-scale persecution. Essays in the volume's second section, â€Å"Cardinal Pole,† focus on his role in reestablishing the legitimacy of the restored Church. Thomas F.Mayer begins with an analysis of various court documents, and concludes that even though Paul IV had apparently revoked Pole's legatine office, the matter remained uns ettled, and Pole probably continued to function in that capacity until the end of Mary's reign. In the following chapter, Pole's 1557 St. Andrew's Day sermon provides evidence for Eamon Duffy's defense of the cardinal's record — not only as an outspoken advocate for the importance of preaching, but also as a hard-nosed realist confronting an entire population of apostatized Londoners.In the final essay of this section, John Edwards reveals that, unlike English documents, records from the Spanish and Roman Inquisitions indicate greater Spanish involvement in the restoration of English Catholicism than has been previously recognized. The subject of the final section of this book, â€Å"The Culture,† undertakes issues regarding the Marian Church and its people. Lucy Wooding's essay considers how the multiple layers of symbolism found in the Mass provided a wide focal point for popular piety in the restored Church.In his essay on the theological works of Thomas Watson, Wil liam Wizeman, S. J. , discusses Marian efforts to reeducate worshipers who, after a generation of religious turmoil, were unfamiliar with even the basic tenets of Catholicism. In the following chapter, Gary G. Gibbs reconsiders the eyewitness evidence provided by one Henry Machyn, Merchant Taylor of London, concluding that the Marian regime had indeed connected with enough loyal subjects to provide the queen with an effective base of power

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Does America Want an Unmotivated Society Essay

I. Introduction Marijuana is the name given in the United States to the drug produced from the hemp plant Cannabis sativa. The use of cannabis derivatives under such names as hashish, charas, bhang, and ganja is widespread throughout the world. The most active ingredient of the plant derivative is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The potency of this chemical is indicated by the fact that the average street sample of marijuana contains less than .5% THC. Some samples are considerably higher in THC content; thus, effects from the drug vary according to its quality, meaning its THC content. The flowering parts of the plant contain the greatest amounts of THC (Goode 567). These are usually dried and smoked, but they may be made into a drink somewhat like tea or blended into various cooking recipes. Somehow, marijuana has been used for some medications but it is not a valid ground to legalize it because it has negative effects to human bodies. Moreover, marijuana is still illegal in most places. Under federal law a person can be sentenced to up to one year in jail or a $5000 fine, or both, for simple possession of marijuana. Every year about 400,000 people are arrested for possession; about 80 percent are under age 26. Marijuana is being used as legal medical therapy for several conditions. Careful studies have shown that it is effective in treating severe nausea in cancer patient undergoing chemotherapy. Older patients seem to respond less than younger patients do and complain more about side effects, including feeling â€Å"stoned.† The purpose of this present study is to scrutinize whether marijuana should be legalized or not. It will also tackle how marijuana will greatly affect the individuals that our country needs most, like the workforce or the man- power. II. Background Marijuana has been used for thousands of years, both as a medicine and for its intoxicating effects. In the form of tablets, marijuana is frequently prescribed to relieve the nausea and vomiting that often accompany chemotherapy. Its non-medical use, however, is illegal in the United States and most other countries. The penalties for possessing or using marijuana are, in many states, as severe as those imposed for the possession or use of much more potent drugs. Many argue that marijuana is no more harmful than cigarettes and liquor and should be legalized. Most marijuana used in United States is smoked—either as cigarettes or in pipes. Its effects vary with its strength, and to a great extent with the state of mind of the user (Earleywine 149). Typically, a sense of well being is experienced. In large countries, marijuana is considered as hallucinogen—a drug that produces hallucinations. Although marijuana does not produce a physical dependence in the user, there is evidence that it can produce psychological dependence. Research indicates that marijuana has serious effects on the body. It can impair memory, speech, and learning. It exposes the lungs to high levels of tar and to over 150 other chemicals. Many of these can irritate the lining of the lungs, causing inflammation and bronchitis in some cases. Marijuana decreases the production of male and female sex hormones and may cause infertility n some individuals. Pregnant women should refrain from smoking marijuana since it can cross the placenta and affect the fetus (Earleywine 150). Some authorities believe that the heavy use of marijuana may harm the body’s immune system by impairing the development of monocytes, cells that stimulate antibody production and kill foreign cells. Although no direct cause-and-effect link between found, a person who consistently uses marijuana may be likely to abuse other, stronger drugs. The use of marijuana can be dangerous to a person taking part in any activity in which quick reflexes and clear thinking are necessary (Goode 575). III. Discussion A. Effects of Marijuana Many perceptual and emotional effects follow marijuana smoking. Sensory experience may become more intense; smells are richer, textures feel more sensuous, objects are seen as more beautiful, sounds are more brilliant, and ideas flow more freely, although they may be disjointed. The person may experience an emotional high in which he or she feels joyful, tranquil, and happy. The effects of marijuana, however, are like those of other drugs; they very much depend on the person and the setting. Taken in a pleasant, relaxed social situation, marijuana can be quite unpleasant (Earleywine 123). Also, people who are naturally paranoid, suspicious, or aggressive may become more so under the influence of marijuana; the calm, better-adjusted users are more apt to experience a euphoric high. Moreover, most people use marijuana for the altered states it produces. These states are a little easier to control than those produced by other hallucinogenic drugs, unless the dosage is very high. At low to moderate dosages, hallucinations are not present. Instead, the person typically reports of calmness, increased sensory awareness, changes in space and time, and increased appetite, often with a craving for sweets. At higher dosages, the person may experience thought disturbances, rapid emotional changes, a loss of attention, and a sense of panic. Marijuana has been one of the most researched drugs in the history of pharmacology, and there is still considerable disagreement about its short-term and long-term effects (Belenko 34). It was made an illicit drug in the United States, and many states have established harsh penalties for those convicted of possession of even small amounts. In the recent years, there has been a move toward decriminalization of marijuana. Although this policy would not legalize the drug, it would establish more appropriate punishments, for example, fines instead of imprisonment for possession of small amounts for personal use (Belenko 66). The growing consensus of research on marijuana would suggest that it is not a safe drug. Indeed, it is doubtful whether any drug taken frequently by choice is advisable. Many researchers have concluded that smoking marijuana is no more dangerous, and perhaps even less so, than smoking cigarettes or using alcohol. The issue, though, is frequency of use. The literature on chronic users of marijuana—that is, people who use it a lot and over a long period of time—suggests rather strongly that there are serious deficits in some cognitive abilities such as memory. In addition, heavier users experience some undesirable personality changes, problems with sleep, deficits in psychomotor abilities such as driving, and changes in motivational levels that produce apathy and a lack of striving for achievement. Finally, there are a number of factors that influence the effect of a particular drug (Earleywine 145). There are factors associated with the drug, including its purity and the method of its purity and the method of its administration. Subject variables that are important include body weight, metabolic rate, whether or not the person has eaten, general state of health, and previous experience with the drug. In trying to predict how any one person will react to a drug, these factors, and many others, must be taken into account. But there is another important variable that plays a major role in drug reactions, and too often its effects are overlooked ( Baron 119).   That variable is the user’s expectation of the drug’s effect. Research has shown that the experience many drug users will have is not just a result of the physiological and biochemical changes produced by the drug, but also depends on how they think they are supposed to respond, or how they see others around them responding. These factors must also be considered when evaluating the reasons for altered states of consciousness through drug use. a.)  Ã‚  Ã‚   Respiratory effects: Because marijuana smoke is deeply inhaled, retained in the lungs, and contains many of the same harmful ingredients as tobacco smoke, users show signs of impaired lung functioning when compared to nonusers. Like tobacco smoke, marijuana smoke contains carcinogenic agents, but since many pot smokers also tobacco, it has been hard to isolate marijuana’s impact on lung cancer. At this point, the evidence is merely suggestive (Earleywine 156). b.)  Ã‚     Immune system: Animal studies have suggested that marijuana can dampen the body’s resistance to disease, but no studies have been done to confirm or refute this danger in human beings (Earleywine 156). c.)  Ã‚  Ã‚   Mental effects: While there is no evidence that marijuana causes the brain to shrink, it can lead to a motivational syndrome, which researchers define as a mental dulling, emotional blunting, and loss of drive and goal-directedness (Earleywine 156). IV. Why should it be legalized? Marijuana is being used as legal medical therapy for several conditions. Careful studies have shown that it is effective in treating severe nausea in cancer patient undergoing chemotherapy. Older patients seem to respond less well than younger patients and complain more about side-effects, including feeling â€Å"stoned.† Researchers are continuing studies of marijuana’s possible usefulness in reducing pressure within the eye in glaucoma and in treating muscle spasticity (Goode 575). Marijuana has been used for thousands of years, both as a medicine and for its intoxicating effects. In the form of tablets, marijuana is frequently prescribed to relieve the nausea and vomiting that often accompany chemotherapy. Its non-medical use, however, is illegal in the United States and most other countries. The penalties for possessing or using marijuana are, in many states, as severe as those imposed for the possession or use of much more potent drugs. Many argue that marijuana is no more harmful than cigarettes and liquor and should be legalized ( Julien 489) V. Conclusion Marijuana serves as a hindrance for people to achieve high and be successful. Due to its ill effects it stops them from being an achiever and it causes them to be ill motivated. They will see things in a different outlook because of the side effects of marijuana. Yes, Marijuana could help medically but let us consider how greatly it will exploit the individual’s body. At low moderate doses, marijuana acts somewhat like alcohol and some tranquilizers, and like alcohol, the drug takes effects within minutes. Unlike alcohol, marijuana at low doses does not dull sensation but may cause slight alterations in perception, so that it is unsafe to drive a car for as long as 4 to 6 hours after a single joint. After the thorough studies, I therefore conclude that marijuana should not be legalized because it has more negative effects than positive. If our nation legalized the use of marijuana, many people including young and old suffer the above mentioned negative effects. On the other hand, the use of marijuana should be case to case basis and should only be used for medications. Generally, Marijuana does not do any good to the people. It only destroys them and eventually it will be bombarded to our economy because they are the one’s working, the citizen of a country and if the usage of Marijuana will be legalized it will just give a detrimental effec t to a country’s economy.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Bullying and Teasing Essay Essay Example

Bullying and Teasing Essay Essay Example Bullying and Teasing Essay Paper Bullying and Teasing Essay Paper Essay Topic: Cyber Bullying Abstraction The importance of the acknowledgment of intimidation is to acquire people to detect and be cognizant of what’s traveling on around them. For them to see the harm and injury it is doing every person. The statistics of intimidation is so overpowering that it rousing and scaring at the same clip. Bullying and Teasing: No Laughing Matter Unfortunately. tease is frequently portion of turning up - about every kid experiences it. But it isn’t ever every bit innocuous as it seems. Wordss can do hurting. Teasing becomes strong-arming when it is insistent or when there is a witting purpose to ache another kid. If more people were cognizant of the injury and harm cause by strong-arming. people would seek to forestall it more and there would be less victims of it. It can be verbal intimidation ( doing menaces. name-calling ) . psychological intimidation ( excepting kids. distributing rumours ) . or physical intimidation ( hitting. forcing. taking a child’s ownerships ) . How Bullying Starts Strong-arming behaviour is prevailing throughout the universe and it cuts across socio-economic. racial/ethnic. and cultural lines. Research workers estimate that 20 to 30 per centum of school-age kids are involved in strong-arming incidents. as either culprits or victims. Strong-arming can get down every bit early as preschool and escalate during transitional phases. such as get downing school in 1st class or traveling into the in-between school. Victims of strong-arming are frequently diffident and be given to be physically weaker than their equals. They may besides hold low self-prides and hapless societal accomplishments. which makes it difficult for them to stand up for themselves. Bullies consider these kids safe marks because they normally don’t retaliate. Effectss of Strong-arming If your kid is the victim of intimidation. he may endure physically and emotionally. and his school assignment will probably demo it. Grades bead because. alternatively of listening to the instructor. childs are inquiring what they did incorrect and whether anyone will sit with them at tiffin. If blustery persists. they may be afraid to travel to school. Problems with low self-prides and depression can last into maturity and interfere with personal and professional lives. Bullies are affected excessively. even into maturity ; they may hold trouble organizing positive relationships. They are more disposed to utilize baccy and intoxicant. and to be opprobrious partners. Some surveies have even found a correlativity with ulterior condemnable activities. Warning Signs If you’re concerned that your kid is a victim of badgering or strong-arming. expression for these marks of emphasis:* Increased passiveness or backdown* Frequent weeping* Recurrent ailments of physical symptoms such as stomach-aches or concerns with no evident cause* Unexplained contusions* Sudden bead in classs or other acquisition jobs* Not desiring to travel to school* Significant alterations in societal life - all of a sudden no 1 is naming or widening invitations* Sudden alteration in the manner your kid negotiations - naming herself a also-ran. or a former friend a dork How to Help First. give your kid infinite to speak. If she recounts incidences of badgering or strong-arming. be empathic. If your kid has problem verbalising her feelings. read a narrative about kids being You can besides utilize marionettes. dolls. or stuffed animate beings to promote a immature kid to move out jobs. Once you’ve opened the door. assist your kid get down to problem-solve. Role-play state of affairss and learn your kid ways to react. You might besides necessitate to assist your kid happen a manner to travel on by promoting her to make out and do new friends. She might fall in squads and school nines to widen her circle. At place and on the resort area: Adults need to step in to assist kids decide strong-arming issues. but naming another parent straight can be slippery unless he or she is a close friend. It is easy to happen yourself in a â€Å"he said/she said† statement. Try to happen an intermediary: even if the intimidation occurs outside of school. a instructor. counsellor. manager. or after-school plan manager may be able to assist intercede a productive treatment. If you do happen yourself speaking straight to the other parent. seek to make it in individual instead than over the phone. Don’t Begin with an angry relation of the other child’s discourtesies. Put the phase for a collaborative attack by proposing traveling to the resort area. or walking the kids to school together. to detect interactions and jointly express disapproval for any unacceptable behaviour. At school: Many schools ( sometimes as portion of a statewide attempt ) have plans particularly designed to raise consciousness of strong-arming behaviour and to assist parents and instructors deal efficaciously with it. Check with your local school territory to see if it has such a plan. Schools and parents can work efficaciously behind the scenes to assist a child meet and do new friends via survey groups or science-lab partnerships. If you are concerned about your kid: * Share with the instructor what your kid has told you ; depict any tease or strong-arming you may hold witnessed. * Ask the instructor if she sees similar behaviour at school. and enlist her aid in happening ways to work out the job. * If she hasn’t seen any cases of badgering. ask that she maintain an oculus out for the behaviour you described. * If the instructor says your kid is being teased. happen out whether there are any things he may be making in category to pull badgering. Ask how he responds to the tease. and discuss assisting him develop a more effectual response. * After the initial conversation. be certain to do a follow-up assignment to discourse how things are traveling. * If the job persists. or the teacher ignores your concerns. and your kid starts to retreat or non desire to travel to school. see the possibility of â€Å"therapeutic intercession. † Ask to run into with the school counsellor or psychologist. or bespeak a referral to the appropriate school professional. Bullying and suicide nexus together. Not many people see that. A batch of grownups still see strong-arming as† merely being a kid† . It is a serious job that leads to many negative effects of victims. including suicide. Peoples don’t see but a major part of victims of self-destruction are linked to being bullied. The statistics on intimidation and self-destruction are dismaying: * Suicide is the 3rd prima cause of decease among immature people. ensuing in approximately 4. 400 deceases per twelvemonth. harmonizing to the CDC. For every self-destruction among immature people. there are at least 100 suicide efforts. Over 14 per centum of high school pupils have considered self-destruction. and about 7 per centum have attempted it. * Bully victims are between 2 to 9 times more likely to see suicide than non-victims. harmonizing to surveies by Yale University * A survey in Britain found that at least half of self-destructions among immature people are related to strong-arming * 10 to 14 twelvemonth old misss may be at even higher hazard for self-destruction. harmonizing to the survey above * Harmonizing to statistics reported by ABC News. about 30 per centum of pupils are either toughs or victims of intimidation. and 160. 000 childs stay place from school every twenty-four hours because of fright of strong-arming Bully-related self-destruction can be connected to any type of strong-arming. including physical intimidation. emotional intimidation. cyber intimidation. and sexting. or go arounding implicative or bare exposures or messages about a individual. Some schools or parts have more serious jobs with intimidation and self-destruction related to strong-arming. This may be due to an inordinate job with intimidation at the school. It could besides be related to the inclination of pupils who are exposed to suicide to see suicide themselves. There are excessively many childs out at that place. which are being bullied and teased. I think ; I know if more people were cognizant of this issue more and the harm it causes to each person’s life. they would seek to forestall it. There would be a lower rate of bullied victims.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

According to science these are techniques on how to be happier at work

According to science these are techniques on how to be happier at work Being happy at work is important; it is the place where you spend 40+ hours weekly. Your happiness is usually reflected in the work you produce and your overall attitude. Happy workers  tend to be more productive than unhappy workers. We understand you’re not going to be in the best mood every day, especially if you are working a lot of overtime and feel under appreciated. But with these techniques, you can have a higher job satisfaction and be happier at work.  Source [NetCredit]

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Problems Stemming from the Economic Crisis and Potential Recovery Research Paper

Problems Stemming from the Economic Crisis and Potential Recovery - Research Paper Example The policies adopted by the governments are aimed at enhancing sustainable economic growth by ensuring that the structural and macroeconomic causes of the recession are addressed. Through adoption of effective policies that ensures the stability of the supply side of the economy, macroeconomic benefits would ultimately emerge. First, they ensure fiscal sustainability since they add credibility to the borrowing demands by the government. Secondly, they enhance redeployment of resources due to the fact that they use the opportunities that emerged after the structural changes that emerged after the recession. One of the implications of the recession was the reduced level of research and development (R&D). This was due to the contraction of the retained earnings which is the major source of financing R&D. In addition, many financial institutions have become more risk averse thus making it hard for companies to get external funds to support their research and development initiatives (OECD 12). ... In order to encourage development of new industries and to promote the spirit of entrepreneurship that is important in addressing the negativities of recession, most governments have emulated two essential strategies. First, governments have encouraged the growth of firms by reducing the administrative costs incurred by companies during their establishment. This also involves establishment of more favorable conditions for restructuring of poor performing companies. Secondly, government authorities have adopted easing of liquidity problems faced by small companies. In order to solve the liquidity problems, governments emulated strategies such as reduction of tax, factoring of tax receivables as well as export credit (OECD 8). Human investment Increasing investment in people is another strategy that is adopted by government authorities. This entails improving training and education so as to prepare individuals for the emerging job opportunities in various industries. Some of the polici es emulated by government authorities include, improving educational infrastructure system, integrating ICT and provision of school programs that encourage innovation (OECD 21). In addition, the economic recession is used by government as an opportunity to undertake reforms in higher education. Implication of economic recession on performance of General Motors Company General Motors (GM) is a US based automobile company that was largely affected by the economic recession. For example in 2007, the company lost $50 billion, while in 2008 the stock value of the company reduced by 76% (Emily and Phil 34). In its effort to enhance the performance of the