Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Indonesias Human Development Strategies - 939 Words

In order to maintain a vibrant and fully functioning national economy, industrialized countries across the globe strive to create a manufacturing infrastructure capable of producing quality products for global export. From timber and cotton in the 19th century to mechanized goods and tools in decades after, the United States has always positioned itself as one of the most productive nations on the planet, building and shipping on a monumental scale to serve the ceaseless cycle of supply and demand. This legacy of production has been fundamentally altered, however, as the 21st century has dawned, with American corporations continuing the human resources trend of outsourcing jobs to overseas markets as a component of their overall cost reduction strategy. While traditional outsourcing destinations like China and India have captured much of the major media attention domestically, the ascendency of Indonesia as a viable location for multinational corporations cannot be ignored. When the cumulative data regarding Indonesias rising rates of literacy and educational attainment are considered in conjunction with national increases in life expectancy and other indicators of overall health conditions (The World Bank, 2012), it becomes strikingly clear that this country has positioned itself perfectly in terms of developing the human capital which is so vitally necessary for expanding businesses. The wealth of empirical evidence on the effectiveness of modern human resourceShow MoreRelatedThe World Trade Organization ( Wto ) Essay1508 Words   |  7 Pagesgrowth within international trade, foreign direct investment (FDI) and standard of living (measured by Human development Index). Globalisation in relation to Indonesia has greatly expanded the country’s international relationships, improved standard of living for the nation’s population and improved economic growth through assistance from strategies implemented to aid development. 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