Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on The Food of the Gods - 1133 Words

The Food of the Gods For over 2000 years, chocolate in its many forms has been enjoyed and its effects have been exalted. It was believed that the Mexican god Quetzalcoatl left the cocoa tree for the people. The Aztec emperor Montezuma is reported to have consumed 50 goblets of chocolate a day. It is called the food of the gods, literally, as a translation of Theobroma Cacao, the cacao bean. (1). Such a title must imply that chocolate has some naturally occurring superior quality. Why else would we crave it so much more than other foods? For many people, nothing can take the place of chocolate when a craving hits. Chocolate and cocoa have very complex chemical properties and many components. Among the most researched components†¦show more content†¦It is a tetrahydroisoquinoline, (TIQ), or alkaloid of dopamine found endogenous in mammalian brains, and also found in cocoa and chocolate. This research has claimed that salsolinol seems to be one of the main psychoactive compounds present in cocoa and chocolate and might be included in chocolate addiction. Similar compounds have the effect of inhibition of monoamine oxidase (a substance that reduces the amounts of norepinepherine acting on neurons), mirroring the effect of MAO inhibitors which are commonly used as antidepressants. Other effects reflect this general antidepressant influence on the brain. Interestingly, salsolinol was also found to bind with a relatively high affinity to D3 receptors, a subtype of dopamine receptor which is implicated in reward. This may be a factor in the rewarding properties which some people find chocola te to possess. Overall, this study suggested that chocolate may have the ability to psychopharmacologically induce craving and even addiction, especially in persons who are inclined to become addicted to other things. (5). Some research has found that chocolate has the capability to stimulate the production of the bodys endogenous opioids, or endorphins. Endorphins work on opioid receptors in the body, the same receptors on which morphine, heroin and other analgesics work, to cause relief from pain, create feelings of well being and even euphoria. Although scientists claim that one must eat many pounds of chocolateShow MoreRelatedChocolate, The Food Of The Gods1581 Words   |  7 Pages Chocolate, It’s been described as one of life’s â€Å"sinful little pleasures.† It s been proven that there are foods that people are passionate about, a passion that’s more than just love for food. For the true chocoholics like myself, just thinking about chocolate can evoke a pleasurable response. But could something that tastes so delicious actually be good and healthy for you? Over the years we have all heard many negative claims about chocolate, especially if you eat a lot like I do. 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